Home Automation: CBUS System and What It Can Do

Home automation seems like a futuristic thing for most people, but in reality, we already had it decades ago. It’s just that it hasn’t matured yet, but now, technological strides have happened, and it’s now a lot easier to get into home automation. A home automation system can be made of different things, but we will focus on CBUS. 

What is CBUS

The CBUS system is a network, a hub used for communication purposes of appliances and mostly lighting.

This type of home automation utilizes cables but also enables wireless communication for easier control. The responsiveness of CBUS is praised by many, and it is the best system to get if you’re not using too much-advanced automation. 


Clipsal CBUS can do a lot of things, from lighting cycle to controlling appliances through a timer. 

Sensors can be installed through CBUS so that lights can be fully automated by motion. It is beneficial for people that are always on the go and have constantly been worrying about time constraints.

Sensors can also be used for HVAC and music, provided that particular appliances can play them and be connected to the CBUS. 

A home automation system isn’t complete with timed devices. CBUS enabled this feature that can be used in different appliances. You can control the time they will wake up and also the time they turn off. It is most effective for people with scheduled bedtime. 

CBUS may also be used for its dimming capabilities for compatible light devices. Controlling a light bulb can be done wirelessly, and in some cases, you can even do it even if you’re far away from your household through internet and Wi-Fi technology. 

A home automation system operated by CBUS is also capable of force and automatic shutdown when certain conditions are met. It is most effective when leaving the household. The CBUS can be programmed so that no appliances are powered on to save electricity and reduce the risk of electrically related fires.

The CBUS system might be a tough one to install. It is highly recommended that you install one if you’re renovating or just building your home. If you want to have one installed even when these conditions aren’t met, you might want to consult a professional so that they can lay out a plan that will work. 

Automating one home can be underrated because of the efficiency it provides, but installing one can be daunting to some. Luckily, CBUS is as simple as it can get, and with enough research, even you can do it all alone.

For your home automation needs in Australia, https://www.controlfreq.com.au/ will get you covered.