11 Tips How To Prevent Frozen Pipe Water Damage

A lot of preparations are needed ss we start to settle in for the winter months. Aside from switching to winter clothes and drinking hot cocoa to keep us warm, the home also needs to be prepared. One important step all homeowners must do before temperatures drop is to ensure water pipes are protected from damage.

Here are tips to help you get the pipes at home ready for the colder months ahead:

Tip 1: Drain all the water from outdoor pools and sprinkler lines before the temperatures drop. Always follow the manufacturer’s guide when doing so and only use anti-freeze if directed to do so because the chemical is very harmful to pets and humans.

Tip 2: Remove and drain all outdoor hoses before putting them aside for storage. If water is left within the hose, freezing will cause it to expand and damage the hose from the inside.

Tip 3: Take extra time to insulate the attic and basement. This is the best way to ensure that heat does not escape the home and maintain indoor temperatures that prevent water pipes from freezing.

Tip 4: Water damage restoration, Mishawaka, Indiana experts advise homeowners to insulate all hot and cold water pipes located in areas that are not heated such as the garage and under the kitchen sink.

Tip 5: Homes where the water tanks are located inside the garage should ensure that the garage door is always kept closed to prevent the tank from freezing.

Tip 6: Open all cabinet doors where water pipes are located to allow warm air to circulate around the pipes and minimize the chances of freezing the water inside.

Tip 7: A great way to prevent exposed pipes from freezing over is to constantly run water, even just a little trickle all day. As long as there is running water flowing through the pipes, the chances of it freezing over are very unlikely.

Tip 8: Set and maintain the same indoor temperature setting during the day and night. Without the sudden change in thermostat settings, the pipes will not freeze. This tip might result in higher energy bills throughout the winter, but it will cost less to do this than to fix frozen pipes.

Tip 9: Invest in and install a frost-proof spigot or use a faucet insulator to protect outdoor pipes. If you are not confident of installing these on your own, the water damage restoration, Mishawaka, Indiana pros will gladly do the job for you.

Tip 10: Take extra time out of your day to check all the faucets, inside the home and outside to make sure they are still running. The sooner you can detect frozen pipes, the easier they are to thaw and fix.

Tip 11: Whenever you encounter any frozen pipe issues or fear that an exposed pipe is about to burst, contact your local plumber or water restoration experts at once. Addressing and fixing the issues before they become a serious emergency will help you save time and money while also preventing water damage from spreading all over your home.

Water damage restoration, Mishawaka, Indiana can be an overwhelming task for anyone. ABCO Restoration is here to help. Contact us today!