5 Things to Do To Prepare Your Roof for Summer Heat

In general, you should always weather-proof your roofs no matter what the season might be. Some might think, however, that compared to snow, the heat is a forgiving element. Those who live in very hot regions would beg to differ. Here are things to make your roofs summer-ready.

Check windows and exhausts

If you have windows in your attic or exhausts, have these checked for damages. You can call a roofer Hanover PA if you do not feel comfortable inspecting the attic on your own. No damages in your windows and exhaust mean that heat is released and kept out of your home efficiently. In fact, windows and exhausts should be checked at least annually to make sure that your roofing system is efficient.

Check the attic for damage

The attic should be free from damage as well. This helps to ensure proper insulation not only during the summer months but also during winter. If the attic is damaged, you may also suffer from leaks caused by the summer monsoon. Ensuring that the attic is intact makes sure that your home stays cool enough during the summer.

Insulate properly

Whenever possible you should insulate your attic and roof properly. If it is not properly insulated yet, you could install insulation sheets along the ceiling of your attic to make sure that the heat stays off the attic floors. If you are keeping anything in your attic, you can also make sure that these items are kept away from heat damage. The attic is also a nice place to stay in during the summer because of the breeze, provided that it is properly insulated. Otherwise, the heat would not be tolerable.

Paint your roof a lighter color

Dark colors absorb and light colors reflect. This is why it is best to keep your roofs a lighter color during the summer. You can have your roof tiles painted or replaced so that it would reflect the light and heat rather than absorbing it into your home. Most homes during the summer are also whitewashed. White is the best color if you are looking to reflect heat from your home. You will notice that if your walls and roof are painted a darker color, your home tends to be hotter.

Clean your gutters

Summer is a great time for you to check your gutters. This is because summers provide long periods of clear weather. However, you can also expect torrential rains during a summer monsoon. What you do not want during the monsoon, though, is a blocked gutter. For this reason, you should have your gutters inspected by a roofer Hanover PA. Once the gutters are cleared, you won’t have to worry about blockages during monsoon rains. No leaves on your gutters also mean your roof is not susceptible to sudden wildfires when the temperature peaks.

Shingle inspection

While your shingles will probably not get damaged during the summer season, summer is the perfect season to check for shingle damage. This is because the winds are not too strong and there is no snow to worry about. Before spring and winter arrive, take the chance to check on your shingles before they get damaged any further.

If you are looking for a reputable roofer Hanover PA, contact WF Schmidt Construction today. We offer a complete line of roofing services for home and business owners.